Thursday, 27 June 2013

More items going into shops in the North East.

I'm off to Stockton tomorrow to deliver stock to an established north east business that is flinging open their doors to the public on Saturday. This will be their second shop that Make Scents have and the gossip about the wonderful bath products they sell, is gathering speed.
I have a number of items to be placed on their shelves-The ever popular Mice Kits, Corsage Flower Kits and the Rainy Day kits. 
As always you can purchase Drawn Threads items on Etsy.
You can follow Make Scents on facebook!/events/281597811986811?__user=645206636

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

I've been receiving lots if commissions

I have missed blogging but over the last few months I have been inundated with craft commission for weddings, birthdays and very special people and just didn't have the time. 

I am currently working on a wedding cushion commission that tells the story of how they met etc. 

I've recently made a felt bride and groom, the lovely lady is pregnant so this is reflected and the groom went through a few reconstructions as he has shorter hair than I originally made.

It's so lovely to receive commissions for such personal days, and I'm very aware that I have a huge responsibility to make them 'just right' for them.