We spent lots of time reflecting on the most amazing time we all had at the Festival of thrift, that we decided to really put some thought and effort into our Christmas celebrations.
All gifts had to be charity bought, home made, bought at reduced prices etc. It made each of us realize just how much you can be swept up into panic buying, thinking you "have to buy some thing".
Each and every item we gave and received was thrifty.
My children and husband were more than up for the challenge, sourcing their gifts in the same way and when the opened theirs, they were thrilled. Myson received play station 1, going 'old skool' with gaming! And my daughter received a vintage sewing machine and everything you need to sew.
It has been such an amazing experience that we have decided as a family to make 2014 a 'Year of Thrift' with everything being bought in the same way...so if we need a new toaster for example, we will haverk think about how/where to get it!