Sunday, 2 September 2012

Amazing day!!

I had a wonderful day at the Darlington People's Market that takes place every first Sunday of the month. There are some incredibly talented people out there!
I was helped out by my wonderful helper and long suffering husband Karl who did an amazing job.
I'm so pleased with how I did, pleased with all the feedback and touched by the information and help everyone gave me.
A truly wonderful day!
And when I get to the computer, photos will follow, but first I really need a cuppa!


  1. Looking forward to the photos. You deserve that cuppa !

  2. hi Sarah - I thought that your stall looked wonderful. You have been a busy bee. I think that Karl deserves a money pinny of his own! Or perhaps he hung onto yours. Cheers

  3. Thank you sharon-he look super in it, I'll have to make him his own.
    Photos to come very soon
