Over 18 years ago I was selling items that were handmade through markets and fayres and for a long time it was put on a back burner, done on a much smaller scale...But in May, after feeling quite lost and unsure of the next direction- thought long and hard about what I was good at and what I loved.
High up on that list was design-and considering that was what I trained in, it was a perfect place to start. Very quickly I also became aware that the need for workshops delivering skills such as sewing and crafts.
It was thanks to Cafe Create and Joanne Land that these begun in September and the new workshops planned for the upcoming spring are so exciting. The felt making workshop was popular and such fun, and will be delivered again in the new year.

Attending the Darlington Sunday Peoples Market was another high moment, going back to a platform that I love-There is nothing finer than talking to the public about what I am passionate about-introducing lost skills such as sewing to adults who have never tried but always wanted too is such a wonderful feeling!

And I'm astounded as to how well my internet sales have been-through Etsy and receiving emails via the internet, so much so that in the new year there will be E-Commerce added for ease of both selling and for they buyer.

I'm very much looking forward to more features in the up coming months as well as having features in two other magazines this spring.

So to sum up-this year begun feeling a little lost and in need of emotional, professionals happiness. I returned full time to a creative platform and so much thanks goes to my family. They have been, as they always are amazing!, Simple amazing!
And not forgetting my very close friends who never once doubted for a second
that I could do what I set out to. It might now seem like much,
but for someone take the time to say "well done" is heart warming.
Next year is going to be so exciting-I cant wait for it to begin!
what an inspiring story. I am glad you found your true vocation and are becoming successful in it. I wish you well