Sunday, 27 January 2013

Re-use, re-make and recycle

Today I wanted to do some sewing that wasn't 'work' but would be relaxing.
As I'll soon be doing a 'make do & mend' workshop-I have been playing with ideas of what to re-make, re-use or recycle.

I needed some new cleaning cloths for thekitchen so decided to re-cycle an old towel in to them.

I cut into the right size, sewed ribbon all the way around the edge then turned it over and secured it in place. I could have done it by hand but decided to do it on the sewing machine as the stitches wouldn't show in the toweling material.

I'm so pleased with my sewing today and hope the people attending all the make do and mend workshops will enjoy too.

Other workshops will be making bags from trousers. Recycling sweaters and up styling old clothes.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Blogging and some pointers to get it right

I have been blogging for a number of years, this is my second blog and I have another I keep purely for my personal use. My family and friends follow it as its sometimes difficult for us to get together, living in different parts of the country and its nice to keep in touch-this is my business blog for -Drawn Threads-and all that transpires in my life as a crafter!
I also read many different blogs and have had many a conversation with other bloggers over what makes a 'good blog'.
Hopefully some of these pointers will be of some interest to you.

*The first rule of blogging is to think of to whom you are blogging to- 'your audience' if you will and why they have come to your blog.
If you are a crafter like me, I read craft blogs about the same subjects that I like and many are in business-small or large and comment on subjects I am working on and will give suggestions and ask questions.

*Blogging about interesting things is a must!
Following current trends in the subject you like can help with this and if you have a particular skill, there will be people out there that will love to read about just how you go about your 'skill'.

*Dont keep saying you are busy and have 'so much on'. This will annoy blog readers, they too have a very busy life with work, kids, shopping at the supermarket, in between the plumber coming.When they read blogs, they want it to take them out of their daily lives and in to a world where they can relax and enjoy some well earned 'me' time, they don't need to be reminded that life can be busy, busy, busy.
It's never advisable to blog that you haven't had five minutes to your self and you are so busy. Even the big business entrepreneurs take a day off and would likely spend the weekend with their families.

*NEVER blog about an argument with you partner-spouse.
It is very important to you, but not at all what blog readers want to spend their time entertaining them selves with-thats what they have the 'soaps' for.
This should be left or a personal blog, and not a business blog and personaly to me shows, if there is chaos in their life, their business may be chaotic too and doesn't give that professional image that every business needs to project to survive.

*Lastly-enjoy blogging. If it becomes a chore, it will show. I read many blogs and most don't update their blog daily. Some only add photo in what they call wordless Wednesdays.
I love this-it reflects the bloggers mood and lifestyle and transports you in to a different world for a while.
Some of the blogs I read and love:-
Vicky Trainor-Local crafter & business woman

Haidee-Jo Summers-an old school friend and painter

Sharon, her dog Buzz and artist partner Glock.

There are many more I love to read over a cup of tea-and I'm sure you too have your favourites. I would love to hear what they are and look forward to you sharing you own blog!

Thursday, 24 January 2013

January give away

The drawn threads January give away is still on going and will be drawn on the 31st January for the three lucky winners.
There are three bundles to win

To be entered in to it all you need to do is RT on twitter or share on Facebook and join my blog.

The names will be added to 'the hat' and drawn out by my son and I'll tweet the winners and send your goodies.

Good Luck!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

The 'B' word (busy)

This is a contentious word for me-I have a an adorable old school friend pf my husband, who loves to tell us just how 'busy' he is-With out realizing that the rest of the world also has a lot on their plate.

The conversation came up again last week and we were talking about how he used to feel over busy and over stretched at times.

The 'busy' word for me is dull and never mentioned...after all if you run your own business you will have a lot on your plate but to keep telling everyone is redundant.

For him the word busy equated to his success. He used to say just how busy he was, the work he had taken on. That in turn made him feel his business was successful. But now takes a much more relaxed and stressless approach and taking time off on a weekend a is priority, as such has become more productive.

I my self have, at times had a lot on my plate, working 7days a week.
Now I've got a great system in place and leave work in the office.
It was important for not only my family but for me to relax and switch off.
I don't look at emails, i shut the office door and have an 'out if office' email system set up.
I allow my self to tweet but not to tweet business and if I do have something pop in my head, I write it on sticky notes and put them on the office door-so when I reopened it on Monday, I have my memos ready and waiting.
For most people its so important to have clear defined lines between your work/family time and helps to be more productive and for me it is a must, I run a business, my business doesn't run me!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Good design

I trained as a designer lots if years ago and had some great jobs-designing soaps with dinosaurs animals inside, packaging for food and all the usual design jobs like letter heads etc.
My husband would say I'm a bit of a design geek-'form over function' is some thing he can't understand.
It took many years for me to train and understand 'what is good design'.
I still pay close attention to design awards, read design magazines such and love a good design exhibition!

I'm so lucky that after a number of years pursuing a different career path I made me way back to design and how natural that was.
There are many wonderful designers out there...and equally a few horrific ones too. And I'm never one to judge but having trained for so long and continue to do so, I feel I have a certain knowledge of what is considered good or bad design.
Not everyone can 'do it'! It takes training, a design eye and the knowledge of what make a good design.
With computers these day, everyone can design what ever they need...but in all honestly it takes a little more than a good graphics package to call your self a designer...and as we can all see sometimes left best to left to the professionals.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Branding is so important

For a craft business, branding is as important as it is for big business's and the huge part of a businesses success is through recognizing the brand, no matter how big or small the business.

I need the public to recognize my business just like the next man, on a continual basis or we the just look like "yet another" crafts person.

I studied design 20 yrs ago so this come second nature to me.
My signage matches the prices, advertising and even my compliment slips sent out to customers.

It's not only keep the business in the public eye but also adds to the overall profetional and visual look and how it looks to the out sides world.

As I'm very much a sustainable, recycle and reuse business, my signage, packaging and letters are all on brown Manila paper/card.
It gives a vintage and reused look as well as a friendly perception to the public.

I'm a massive letter/type buff.
I have type and different sized letters all over my house.
And spent many a long evening as children with my artist friend Haidee-Jo Summers drawing out different letters and type.
It's still important to me today too. I recently too part in a design challenge, along with many others to find different unusual type around the country that were vintage, stimulating and exciting.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Moved on so much

In a past life I was a play worker-I qualified and begun working for the Northgate community Play Project and also the Skernepark Play Project as their project co-ordinator.
I Iove my job, everyday was different and always kept you on your toes. A huge part if the job was developing each workshops and scheme delivered.

The children loved craft activities and I was able to draw on all the idea resources I had built up in the precious 20 yrs of selling as a crafter and working out in the community.

I have been able to use these skill In the business now, as I develop the kids 'bits and piece it' kits and craft kits.
I remember what they loved to do best and what they always asked we could have at the next workshop.
These kits are very popular especially the fabric painting puppets.
And I have received some fantastic reviews from customers and their children enjoying the crafts.
I'm anyone would like to purchase these you can purchase them on etsy or alternatively by contacting me via email

Strawberry jam Jar covers.

I have been making jam jar covers for a Mother's Day market after someone asked if I stocked them.
I have also put some kits together so that they can be made by you, giving that special someone a gift of a hand made jam jar cover, by your fair hands.
Each one has felt strawberries on and can be tied around the lid and will fit on any jars.

Now you will have to learn how to make jam!

These will be added to my etsy shop very soon but if you wish to purchase one before hand, just contact me and I can help you.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Re-use, recycle and re-make

I have had some time to potter over the Christmas and New Year holidays to do some very needed projects.
One was painting my bedroom for the first time after living here 15yrs and the other was 'doing' up two old chairs that I bought at a local junk shop for only £5.00!

One is in the process if being upholstered and the other has been spray painted pink with some old but unused spray paint.
I'm SO pleased with the colour and I now have four chairs in my breakfast room that are all painted in Cath Kidston colours-all ready to match my vintage coloured cutlery.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Vintage war time patterns

I was going through and old bag of 'stuff' today and I came across some scruffy pieces of paper.
When I opened them out (after letting out a little squeal) I saw there were three toy patterns from the 2nd world war. A dog, a duck and the most adorable doll!
The hand writing sent a shiver down my spine, especially when I turned one piece of paper over-it was an envelope with my great, great aunts name and address on. On the revise, written in pencil was "make for Heather" moms name, who would have been two years old then.

Each pattern had been cut from old news papers of the day, showing adverts for Bisto etc or from old brown packing paper.

This instantly pricked my 'make-do-and-mend passion. But what amazed me the most was, these patterns had been kept, they were scruffy pieces of paper-nothing special and even many years after the war when my mom must have inherited them, she felt they were special enough to I will do the same and treasure them for what they are.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

A little info for new sellers at markets & fayres

I was recently ask by a couple of fellow crafters about beginning the process of attending Craft fair and markets.
I have penned some advice for this person and thought it might be helpful to add them to my blog/twitter.

I have been standing craft fayres and markets in York, Richmond, Middlesbrough, Northallerton, darlington & many more for 18 years plus....and very little has change all these years.

The approach should depend on the venue, organizer, geographical location and what you are selling.
On a market people want to talk to you and to be approached, at a craft fayre they prefer to browse and chat to their companions.

•The most important things you first need to think of is the insurance. A quality event will always ask to see this before you set up your stall.
And a print out if the information of that days event is always useful-it will help you remember the names of the organizer-a little respect will pay back in spades.
•The overall visual look of your stall (and product) it key-customers go on their visual interest to then find interest in a product-they say it is 90% visual, 10% product.
I would recommend you link the visual aspects if the stall-if you sell rustic or handmade items, use wicker baskets. If your product is modern, try glass stands or mirrors.
•Have some wicker baskets or card/wooden displays to display your products-I even use a some shelves that give hight on the table, adding space.
•If you are outside event remember to take some table cloths-I prefer them to match the signage and keep your look unified-remember you are a brand.
•Take promotional information such as business cards & information of your website, Facebook or twitter pages.
•Take your self a packed lunch and if you are outside, a flask of warm drink is a good idea especially if you will be on your own but also saves cost and you get to keep your profits.
•Use suitable storage, this allows for easy moment of stock but keeping it in in good condition, ready to sell.
•I personally would recommend a money belt or apron-carry at least a£50.00 float, mainly of change but £5.00 notes too.
•Marking your items with prices is important, no customer wants to ask the price & as a customer myself of craft fairs, if items are not priced I won't buy.
•Allow time for traveling and look at where you are traveling to beforehand – You don’t want to be late or arrive at the wrong destination.
•Dress for the season and check the weather for that day – If you are outside in the winter months, rap up in layers or invest in some ski gear-it WILL get chilly.
•Its important to have bags for customers. Not every will want one but offer and let them decide. Its all part of the 'shopping experience' for customers.
•If you are planning to work with children, you will need to have an enhanced CRB check. Any venue worth it's salt will ask prior to booking you. And they will also ask to see it. It is worth remembering that it will need renewing and the rule of thumb is do it yearly. A CRB is technically out of date after six months but most event will accept up to a year.
•it is also a good ideas to take a bag of goodie such as tape, blutak, bulldog clips, sticky labels etc that will become essential.
Andrea from Funk your Denim ( always takes double sided sticky tape as one of her essentials .

I hope these points will help anyone attending venues and events in the new year. These are my own personal opinions and you will have your own experiences.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

*******january Give Away*******

If you want to be in a with a chance if of winning one of three gift packs-all you need I do is ReTweet and join my blog-simple as that! And you could win one of these

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

January give away

January Give Away
I love the beginning of the new year-looking forward to all the new exciting things happening, new years resolutions to keep (I promise!) and
 .....Drawn Threads January Give away.
There are three packs for goodies to win, all containing a variety of lovely items such as the very popular "Bits & Piece it Together" kits, book covers, stitched pictures and fabric bags.

To win all you need to do is
follow the blog,
follow on twitter
Re Tweet
And others will know all about the wonderful goodies on offer...and once you have have done that you will be put on the list of lovely people to be drawn out of the hat on 31st Jan 2013