Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Branding is so important

For a craft business, branding is as important as it is for big business's and the huge part of a businesses success is through recognizing the brand, no matter how big or small the business.

I need the public to recognize my business just like the next man, on a continual basis or we the just look like "yet another" crafts person.

I studied design 20 yrs ago so this come second nature to me.
My signage matches the prices, advertising and even my compliment slips sent out to customers.

It's not only keep the business in the public eye but also adds to the overall profetional and visual look and how it looks to the out sides world.

As I'm very much a sustainable, recycle and reuse business, my signage, packaging and letters are all on brown Manila paper/card.
It gives a vintage and reused look as well as a friendly perception to the public.

I'm a massive letter/type buff.
I have type and different sized letters all over my house.
And spent many a long evening as children with my artist friend Haidee-Jo Summers drawing out different letters and type.
It's still important to me today too. I recently too part in a design challenge, along with many others to find different unusual type around the country that were vintage, stimulating and exciting.

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