Friday, 19 July 2013

A place for everything and everything in its place.

I can't help it, I make no apology...I'm super tidy! 
I was like it as a kid to my parents joy. 

Years of design training and working in design studios taught me, a tidy space is a productive space and messy work area doesn't look professional to the prospective customer. 
It's rare I find a messy designer, we are inherently tidy-even down to how we put designs on a page and produces a successful designer. And this is why a lot of us chose this profession in the first place, liking a clean way of working over clutter & clean design on a page. Go into any design studio even today and you'll be lucky to find any mess at all. 

Everything in my work room has a 'place' including the smallest things such as a thread box.
 At the end of the working day I always ALWAYS tidy up, write my post it notes for the next day and leave the room how I want to see it when I walk back in. It's one of my hard and fast rule and is definitely works for me as far as productivity and efficiency.
If my work space was messy, I would be completely distracted.
I do have to confess that I am the same in the rest if my house too! 
It is tidied every evening, kitchen scrubbed and 'ready' for what ever is thrown at it the next day.

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