Friday, 24 January 2014

Year Of Thrift made the paper

I was approached to the local news paper this week to provide information on my families #YearOfThrift and what a lovely piece it is.

Here is the link

Thrift isn't about finding something for nothing, denying yourself or even spending less, it's about using what you have to the best means, buying what you can afford and recylcling items yourslelf or giving them away so others can re-use them. 
I am a coffee fan, and love going I to my favorite coffee shop. At the beginning if the Year Of Thrift I made a rule that they were from now on a 'no go!' This was increasingly becoming harder and harder over the days and weeks until I realized, thrift isn't about dental, it's how you approach each situation. So I changed the 'rule'-we can use coffee shops, once a week, no food as that can be concidered an expense, and to choose the cheaper end of the menu. 
When I sat down and thought, I discovered that it was the experience of going for a coffee, the joy of the social interaction and stopping to relax In our busy frantic lives. So....tomorrow, I'm off to the coffee shop to enjoy an hours chat, coffee and time to relax. 

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