We seceded to get the veggies at the local indoor market but as we had to buy the usual toilet rolls, washing up liquid etc we went to Aldi and purchase some of their fruit. I really believe in shopping local and saving small business but the last two weeks out citrus fruits went bad very quickly. All the rest of veg was super but felt it wasn't being thrifty to let food go off when a quick trip to Aldi was needed. I think thrifty is what ever you want it to be, if shopping at local markets isn't for you or you don't have a market in your town any more, the budget supermarkets are great. The same quality as the big supermarkets but half eye price and excellent (if not better) quality!
This weeks saving ment I could frequent my favorite charity shop where I got a vintage duvet cover to make some curtains for £1.00!, some lovely tin dishes for 50p, vintage table cloth for 50p and a book for £1.00!
I also bought some knitted finger puppet in a book shop that 'needed' but bought them with a voucher that I was given. So all in all lots of lovely thing for not very much!
This makes us a happy happy Family of #Thrift
Ohh, you got some super fabric. I'm looking forward to the start of the car booting season so that I can indulge my love of thrift and fabric!