Saturday, 10 May 2014

Year of thrift bloopers & a successful weekly shop.

A week or so a go, my husband Karl was lured in to buying a large sack of potatoes...he looked at the 'bargain'
Sign and put his money down in the counter without thinking about the consiquences. 
When we opened the bag, what did we find but old potatoes that were past their best and suddenly a bargain became waste for the compost. 
They were soft, full of 'eyes' and most definitly unusable! Thus sometimes a thrifty bargain is not what it seems. He didn't really think that we are nearly out of potato season...and the reason the seller has them so cheep. 

On a plus note, this weeks shopping at the local indoor market was a huge success in the thrift stakes. We got all the  meat needed for the week and a wonderful stall, Jackson's, who's products are of such exellent quality (as are all the butchers in there!) 
We spent £14.54 on all the meat, and if we'd purchased it at a supermarket conglomerate, it would have cost £26.00+. 

Thrift isn't my only reason to shop local, as I own my own business, I understand the need for locals businesses to not only use but respect each other.  

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