Wednesday 26 September 2012

Turning my hand to anything crafty

Having started being craft from a very early age on a miniature (child's) singer hand sewing machine, I soon discovered that not only did I enjoy it, I wasn't too bad at it.

From being very young I would give my self 'project', making sure I finished them. I once made my self slippers out of wool that I knitted my self then cutting and sewing into a slipper shape. As you can imagine, they didn't last long but this never disheartened me to begin something new.

Over the years I have learned and honed a few different skill such as painting/sketching (a passion I don't get enough time for these days) knitting, the obligatory sewing, felting, curtain making (which I love, it feels like a huge finished canvas on a window!) and the many different craft we all do with our kids with card, paper, string-anything that comes to hand for that...there are to many to mention.

I love the idea that through my workshops, I'm passing on old and sometimes forgotten skills to others.
And when I hear someone say "I wish I could sew", I want to say so ardently that they can, that we all learn, through trial and error...and we're back to those wool slippers again!

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